MacBoot: A Great Little Tool That Does Just What It Should

I’ve finally taken time-lapse photography a little more seriously and recently had a good time shooting this in Bangkok. I got inspired by the design and people behind The Chronos Project. At one point I realized that the slower 32GB CF cards I’m using in my 5D MkII were a bottleneck (the Bangkok time-lapse is 600 raw photographs) that was causing the camera’s buffer not to empty as fast as necessary. So, I bought a much faster 64GB card, dragged my Magic Lantern files (including my ML preference file that is on each of my CF cards) to it, and poof, nothing.


Then I recalled something about formatting 64GB or larger cards in this manner. That’s when I recalled a little Java app called MacBoot. I love software like this. It’s small, fast, and does one thing exactly right. I’ve always been drawn to small, specialized pieces of software. And, over the last few years I’ve been making a concerted effort to donate to the people writing these types of apps. So, if you are using MacBoot or Magic Lantern, send the creators some cash. Small independent software creators need support to continue doing such great work.


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